Sunday, August 12, 2012

T minus 29 days

The major updates from the past week are:
- I received many responses to questions I posted to AAFSW Livelines
- We had our Clean Out the Bar party last night, which means I have just two weeks left at work
- My parents surprised us by showing up unannounced for the party, what an incredibly fantastic surprise!

I'm still working on resolving official questions on the pre-employment forms, packout scheduling, and other issues, but I'm very hopeful these issues will land this week.

AAFSW's Livelines Yahoo group has already been a great resource: many people responded to my questions on pre-orientation concerns.  I can't stress enough how much I appreciate the time so many members spent responding.  Obviously it's really reassuring to have information in a time of major flux.  I've forwarded the info to three other Construction Engineers in our September class - we're forming a concensus of opinion on what to prepare for and what we might expect.  For example, based on the AAFSW responses, we're expecting to complete the three week orientation class then start immediately at the Office of Construction Management.  This should mean our temporary housing per diem allowance will end, and we'll need to find permanent housing around the end of September.  Based on this, my wife and I are planning on getting to DC a few days before the orientation class starts to get hunting.

Unfortunately our Colorado house is still on the market.  Apparently SOMEone must've listed its haunting on the MLSS., this is embarrassing, BUT evidently I have to be crystal clear on this: I'm joking about the haunting.  Thanks Stambovsky v. Ackley.  Thanks a lot.  *facepalm*

I'm afraid I'm going to defer this
week's retrospective on the top practical jokes at my current company.  This afternoon I attended a memorial for a 36 year old friend who passed away.  My deepest condolences go to his wife and seven children.

(This post written while listening to Nick Drake Fruit Tree.)

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