Monday, September 2, 2013

Hiding boxes

For the past month or so, work has focused on the coming end of the fiscal year: funding-related documentation has increased dramatically in an effort to process single-year funding before various deadline dates. A related facet is the finance systems have a sort of dead period when no new funding can be processed for about a month, so we prepare before the financial EMP wave hits and we coast without power for a while. Speaking of which, I haven't heard any updates on sequestration effects - hopefully no news is good news. Of course, maybe there's no news because it's dark.

As a quick aside, I saw this on my way home the other day:

Peek-A-Boo - I can see you
At first I thought it was the lamest effort to hide a box e.v.e.r., then I realized the delivery person was trying to protect it from rain - very thoughtful.

(This post written while listening to Guster Satellite.)

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